Monday, June 21, 2010

"My crazy life"

Yes, its been 6months, again. Is anyone out there actually reading anyhow?

I have recently been told that I should have my own sitcom. I decided its title HAS to be, "My Crazy life" It never fails that things happen all at once and while Brandon is away (which lately has been pretty often).
Just an idea of how this sitcom would look: Me walking downstairs, rushing around to get two kids off and ready for preschool also where I teach. Im heading downstairs only to slip on some water on the floor, my thought, "Tanner must have left the freezer open again" Check the door, nope, its closed! Oh great fridge went out again! Throw some pop-tarts in the toaster oven, go grab towels to clean up the water, call a friend to tell her will be late and abruptly hang up on her because the toaster oven is on fire! As I attempt to use the fire extinguisher I send Tanner to a neighbors to get help, Then I basically end up spraying half the kitchen with white nasty stuff! Call friend back, tell her we are alive and could she come get my kids while I clean up my mess! After much debating I decided I would clean the best I could then head to school! I get in my car, only to have the tire pressure light on!
While this happened months ago, its all true and all happened in one morning, "My crazy life!"
It never fails for me to have a flat stroller tire, or spill my drink daily, or drop a whole entire bucket of flour on a newly mopped floor! Some would say thats clumsiness, I say I have two boys whom make me very sleepy! I prob say, "thats typical" (of me) atleast 5times a day, bonk myself on the head 10times a day; sometimes I wonder how I even made it through the day! I am a mess... and a little crazy!

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Tanner hugs Baby Cole!

Tanner hugs Baby Cole!