Saturday, August 21, 2010

Surgery for Tan

Friday, Aug, 20, Tanner had his Tonsillectomy and an Adendoidectomy! He has been super sad, which is TOTALLY not Tanner and aggressive! It is so sad to watch my little guy this unhappy! I wish I could snap my fingers and make it all better!

The surgery itself was pretty fast but waking up seem to take a while! The first time he woke up he was a bit confused as to what was going on and what had happened, he just cried! He wanted nothing but, "Momma to hold him" so I did! We moved him and everything he was attached to to a hospital chair so that I could hold him! He was such a trooper and even politely asked the nurse for a throw up bucket, "May I please have that thing (pointing to a throw up bucket), I think I need to throw up." In fact I think he even asked that before he asked for me to hold him! So we settled in a chair and it seemed like HOURS but wasn't much longer than 30mins when he woke up a second time and was MUCH better and aware of what was going on! He ate a Popsicle than asked if he could go home! We got there around 6:45am and left sometime around 11am!

Not that this is ANY surprise to anyone but he turned on his charm even when he couldn't talk! The nurses just fell in love with my little man! They kept telling him he was the best patient EVER and he still remembers that! He loved them too! They took such great care of him and us!

As for today the meds are making him a crazy kid! I am going to try and take him off the pain meds tomorrow and hopefully that will change his mood for us! He is basically getting to eat WHATEVER he wants which has amounted to eggs and ice-cream and snowballs! I also got him Oreo cakes, which Oreos are his fav. cookie so he was excited to see that-- excited without a smile if you can image that!

Poor guy he has had such a rough few days! Thanks to Mr. Lowell for his first Ukulele lesson last week it has kept him entertained and us as well! I'm hoping to attach a song to either this blog or my site that he made up! We have also had Grammy and Pipaw, who watched Coley Thursday night and brought him Friday afternoon for some entertainment! Along with the coloring books she brought him! Grandma and Pop Pop stayed Friday night and tonight to help with everything and brought Tanner (and Coley) some balloons and a car to play with! Hopefully in the next few days things start looking up!

Friday, June 25, 2010


I love making messes, especially if it involves crafts or baking! Lately I've been too busy for either, or have I? I haven't spent anytime with myself lately! Sounds funny, I know. But honestly I haven't done enough of it! It occurred to me at my Bible Study last night, I don't even put "enough," whatever that is, into devoting my time to God! As someone else put it, He wants me to get to know Him better, He wants me to spend time with just Him and Him alone! Not while Im cooking, not while Im driving but time with JUST HIM! So, Thats what Im working on! I'm trying to have better time management and devote time to God and also to myself! I don't give myself enough time either! I don't give myself the time to do the things that make me happy! So tonight I did a simple craft, that I had promised my sister I would make for her, and it made me feel REALLY GOOD! So I end this post with a promise first and foremost to devote more time to God, and secondly to myself! I will read (the Bible), craft, bake and make MORE messes! OH and write more blogs!

My simple yet satisfying craft tonight:

Monday, June 21, 2010

"My crazy life"

Yes, its been 6months, again. Is anyone out there actually reading anyhow?

I have recently been told that I should have my own sitcom. I decided its title HAS to be, "My Crazy life" It never fails that things happen all at once and while Brandon is away (which lately has been pretty often).
Just an idea of how this sitcom would look: Me walking downstairs, rushing around to get two kids off and ready for preschool also where I teach. Im heading downstairs only to slip on some water on the floor, my thought, "Tanner must have left the freezer open again" Check the door, nope, its closed! Oh great fridge went out again! Throw some pop-tarts in the toaster oven, go grab towels to clean up the water, call a friend to tell her will be late and abruptly hang up on her because the toaster oven is on fire! As I attempt to use the fire extinguisher I send Tanner to a neighbors to get help, Then I basically end up spraying half the kitchen with white nasty stuff! Call friend back, tell her we are alive and could she come get my kids while I clean up my mess! After much debating I decided I would clean the best I could then head to school! I get in my car, only to have the tire pressure light on!
While this happened months ago, its all true and all happened in one morning, "My crazy life!"
It never fails for me to have a flat stroller tire, or spill my drink daily, or drop a whole entire bucket of flour on a newly mopped floor! Some would say thats clumsiness, I say I have two boys whom make me very sleepy! I prob say, "thats typical" (of me) atleast 5times a day, bonk myself on the head 10times a day; sometimes I wonder how I even made it through the day! I am a mess... and a little crazy!

Tanner hugs Baby Cole!

Tanner hugs Baby Cole!