Friday, April 29, 2011

Cha cha changes!

Only 1 week left... So exciting! What a crazy CRAZY past few months! We have survived and we are ready to start our new book! I have decided we aren't just starting a new chapter in life we are SLAMMING that book closed and starting a new one! We are so excited for our new journey to begin! It will be one of the hardest paths we will ever take but we know that we have God on our side!
What does this mean for us? BWard's new schedule will now be 4days gone 4days home! Essentially it will still be the same amount of time spent gone (1/2 the year) but since he will just be on the ship channel he will be closer to home if we need him and we will be able to communicate much easier! The pay will change as well but we have paid off almost all of our debt, which totally rocks, so we are hoping that it all evens out! We are just so thrilled for what this means for our marriage, our children, our life. We know that there are bigger things to come for us and this is just the beginning! YAY for changes!

On a side note... We had Muffins with Mom at School the other day and this is the poem that Tan Man made for me and 2 pics from that day as well!

My Mother's Day Poem

You're as sweet as chocolate.

I like the way you put Cole in bed because he never falls asleep when he's supposed to.

You remind me of a giraffe because of your long tongue.

With you I feel good.

You're happy like a mammal.

You are special to me becuase you go get fun toys like a camera to skype with.

I love you, Mommy!

30 before 30

This year I TURN 30!!! I can't believe it! I think about all the things I have already done in my life and the things I still have yet to try! A few months ago I made a list of 30things to do this year! I am slowly working on them (because of BWard being gone all the time)! I have decided that I really need to "publish" my list so that maybe a few friends out there will push me to finish it! BUT there is NO laughing allowed. :) And I have a few blanks because I thought surely I will come up with something as I go! SOME of these are off of my life list as well! Red comments are what I have just added! So here it is....

30 things to do before I turn 30
1. Sky Diving (I think I am chickening out of this one!)
2. Go ATLEAST waist deep into the ocean (and stay there-YIKES!)
3. loose 30lbs (or more) (at 14 lbs!!! WHOOP!)
4. Go hiking in the mts.
5. Learn the Thriller Dance
6. Get a pedicure (hate my feet being touched!)
7. Read the whole Bible
8. Do 30 acts of kidness (or more) (This is something I haven't counted and dont plan to it was more of something I need to write down to remind myself!)
9. Give up Soda
10. Try 30 NEW recipes (at 15!)
11. Start on both boys baby books
12. Visit a Winery
13. Run a 10K -Completed in NOLA on April 23 @ Cresent City Classic
14. Run a Marathon (well more like a half) (It will actually be soon after my 30th in Nov. but its getting done!)
15. Take a dance class (Salsa anyone?)
16. Volunteer more in 'soup kitchens'
17. Camp on the beach
18. Plant a tree
19. Create a family tree
20. Play tennis (took a college class want to get back into it)
21. learn MORE Spanish AND Sign Language
22. Go Horseback riding (have not been in YEARS)
23. Sleep under the stars (no tent)
24. Let my Husband teach me to sail
25. Go FLY FISHING! (ALWAYS have wanted to do this)
27. Write a childrens book (This was on one of my orginal ‘to do’ I wonder if I still have it in me….)
28. Start a Non-Profit (crazy, I know)
30. Throw a serious 30 PARTY!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 8

As you can see we have survived the 6week mark! Amazingly I am still going strong! This is the first time I actually sat down and counted how long he has been gone, I think that has helped!
God knew just what we needed, like always, and the 6week mark was actually our Spring Break! It started out that we were going to head to NOLA, ASAP, and spend the week with my Gmaw! She is so awesome and I should write a WHOLE blog just on her! At some point we changed our minds and decided to head to Austin to buy a camper! YUP, you read that right! I bought a camper!
My in-laws were there to help me out! I got to the place were the camper was (East side of Austin) and the guy decided to tell us then that he didn't have the title! Well, we weren't going to buy it if we couldn't get the title! We ended us spending the night at Bs Aunt Donna and Uncle Rays house and the next day headed towards San Antonio because my in-laws had a funeral to attend! We decided we would just follow them around for a few days! That evening the Austin Camper guy called us to tell us he now had the title! Two kids, two grandparents and I headed back towards Austin and bought our camper! Super excited!

Tanner hugs Baby Cole!

Tanner hugs Baby Cole!