Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What was I thinking?

What was I thinking?? That I could actually come back at another time and tell you what I have been up to? HA! The Ward house is super busy around here lately and writting a blog every night or even every few days is simply out of the question! But since everyone is napping right now heres a few things...

As for me I have started my new journey as a preschool teacher! Yup thats right! I am SUPER DUPER, can you tell Tanner is almost 4?--Super Duper is just a common phrase in our house,- ok so I cant even write about myself with out saying something about one of my kids! HA! Anyhow, I am SUPER DUPER blessed because not only do I have an awesome job working with young kids and teaching them about God, but I am only a classroom away from Tanner and a halway away from Cole! Does it get any better??

I have had a hard time adjusting to this having a job deal! I really did like my SAHM title! I was one of the few proud Moms to say, "I stay at home with my kids." To me, I was there to shape my children, I was there to see their first step, or hear their first word, not have some day care tell me what they did that day! I am proud and excited to get to fix my family a meal or to clean up after them. No its not a perfect world but this last year has made me realize and not take for granted the things I CAN do for my family. I have appriciated things like vacumig, cleaning toliets and odd nasty jobs no one WANTS to do. This past year I watched, listend and saw 3 very beautiful, young mothers suffer and pass away from cancer (all passed in the same weekend). I was there to hear the stories of not being able to get out of bed to cook dinner, or having friends come over to clean because they couldnt. I vowed never again to take those things for granted. Again, I am so very blessed to be healthly and capable of doing these things. (Even if I dont like or want to).

**My MOST fav job in the world is last week I woke up EXTRA early so that I could fix us all lunch for the day! I got to pack Bran a lunch (he was taking his test in Houston), Tanner, Cole and myself! It was a GREAT feeling. Brans response to me while I was doing this was. "Youve been waitting your whole life to do this havent you?" Of course I tried to play it off, "EUG, no I am so tired, I want to go back to bed." Then I couldnt help myself, "OK YEA I HAVE" with a HUGE grin!

I am blessed because I dont HAVE to work, I have choosen to work. I work in a place where as a co-worker would say, is "happy"! (I love her) Even though I am still so unsure of what I am doing there I feel like I was placed there for a reason. I am excited to meet some of my kids tomorrow. I think this will change everything. It will be much clearer to me as to why I am there. The PeeWee ministry at our chruch is one of the reasons why I got to where I am. The people there AMAZE me! I hope that one day one of my children that I have this year (and the years to follow) can look back and say the same. I dont see my "job" as much of a "job" DONT get me wrong I am sure shaping the minds of these 2-3year olds will be challenging and I will have days I will want to call it a job but on the flip side I will doing things I LOVE to do! I love crafting, I L-O-V-E messy hands, mostly though I love seeing little minds learn about Jesus and what he did for us. I get to see if first hand with all 12 of my special PeeWees! My hope is that at the end of the year my kids and their parents have come to Christ if they havent already and that they apprciate all of the things we have taught them! My prayer is that I can teach them not only the basic preschool stuff but also to be Christ like and to Glorify God in everything they do.

Tanner is who he is because of his teachers last year! They were "happy" HA! :) The three best teachers ANY parent could ask for! I cant even find the words to describe them! Great! Wonderful! Beatiful (inside and out)! I am excited to see the new things he will learn this year! Being there I have already met his new teachers and I love them too! I hope my parents walk away feeling the same way.

WOW that was a long blog, I need to learn to keep these things shorter! Hopefully I didnt bore you too much!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blogging X2?

Ok, decided to give this a go around agian! After some facebooking today I figured I should blog the cute things my kids do (which allows Grandmaws and Grandpaws to see) and that way I have a way of Journaling it easier in their scrapbooks! Right?? Right!

So whats happened recently in the Ward house?

Tanner decided today that he was going to tell me that he didnt love me anymore! This all came about because he got into trouble for yelling at me while I was on the phone! After I told him to wait just a min (several times) he still cont. to yell at me. So once I got off the phone he got into trouble and a time out! He then started to yell from his room, "Mommy, I dont love you anymore!"! :( I told him he hurt my feelings and he said, "Well Mom your not being nice to me at all so I dont love you anymore!" I said, "well I guess since you dont love me anymore I dont have to be nice to you, so go lay in your bed and have time out!" He gets in his bed then shortly later I hear snoring!

He is so full of things to say! Recently he told me that he was going to work on a boat like his Dad and be a Preacher on the boat! Before that he was just going to be Preacher like Mrs. Kays husband! (Mrs. Kay was his teacher last year and her husband is one of our Pastors!)

I'm sure I will think of more of his funny sayings and there will be more to come from him!

Cole...good ol' Cole! The extreme screaming that he had been doing since the day he was born has pretty much stopped, unless you dont feed him. He will eat anything that you put into his mouth or that he can put into his mouth. Tanner was never this way, in fact we never really had any problems with Tanner putting much into his mouth! (we still have to force feed him!) Coles favorite thing to eat is paper, no really. He manages to find any and ever piece of paper and eat it. Today at church one of the ladies in his room said that he took her name tag off of her and started eatting it. We have started him on solids. This started because at his last docs visit he weighed in at 14.5lbs at 8months old! The doc basically said he was malnurished? Sure. After talking to her a bit about him we decided that he bascially can eat whatever it is he wants to eat. Obviously not steak. :) But so far hes had ground meat, mashed potatoes, peas, bread, beans, pizza (yes hes had pizza and went nuts over it)

He can sit up all by him self now and he scoots around super fast using just his arms! Its pretty hysterical to watch! Dadada was of course his first word and he says it ALL THE TIME. Brandon has said he heard him say Mamama but he doesnt say it much. :( He has 1 and 1/2 teeth! I love this stage of growing and everything developing but honestly I am sad at the fact that 1year is coming up quickly!

Brandon is still working offshore! The week of August 17 he takes his last coast guard exam! This will promote him to Chief Mate (if the company still has a position open)! Lets Pray that he passes and the company has an open shift (in the Gulf) for him! God has blessed us with a great job and Brandon has quickly moved up already!

ME! I have several GREAT things to report! ...and they are going to have to wait because Cole just woke up... Next time.

-The Wards

Tanner hugs Baby Cole!

Tanner hugs Baby Cole!